Friday, October 5, 2012

10/4 - 10/5 Class Update

Yesterday, we did an EdCafé on the events before the American Revolution that paved the road to the colonists' independence. This one wasn't as successful as the previous EdCafé we did. No one really knew enough about each event to discuss their opinions- instead, we all worked on just getting the facts. I think it would've been more successful if we had been taught the information as a class, even if it's just the bare minimum to be able to form an opinion on the event, and then the leaders of the EdCafé received additional information to discuss. I had the Boston Massacre/Townshend Acts. In my discussion, I was only able to ask a few questions that didn't relate to the information I gave to the rest of the group, like, "Based on the word 'massacre' in the name of the Boston Massacre, how many people do you think were killed?" I asked if anyone thought they would've had the same reaction as various people involved, but I didn't get any conclusive answers because no one knew the information well enough to form an opinion.

Today, we got more information on the events from the EdCafés we did yesterday. We also read the poem Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In pairs, we wrote our own poem in a similar style but using historically accurate information. With most of the information we received on Paul Revere and the real story, I found that I remembered a lot of information from 5th grade, but not well enough that I could randomly spurt out facts about it without prompting it.

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